
Betsy Ross Elem School Dashboard Summary

Overall in 2022, Betsy Ross Elem School is moderately organized for improvement.

The overall performance score is comprised of each of the 5Essentials scores. Schools that are at or above benchmark on 3 or more essentials are 10 times more likely to improve than schools that are below the benchmark.

Where is Betsy Ross Elem School performing the highest?
Teacher-Teacher Trust62
Parent Involvement in School61
Program Coherence57
Collaborative Practices56
Parent Influence on Decision Making in Schools56
What has improved most for Betsy Ross Elem School?
no data available
Where is Betsy Ross Elem School performing the lowest?
Quality Professional Development26
Collective Responsibility35
Teacher Influence39
Quality of Student Discussion40
Teacher-Parent Trust42
What has decreased most for Betsy Ross Elem School?
Quality Professional Development26 - 29
Collective Responsibility35 - 24
Teacher-Parent Trust42 - 23
Program Coherence57 - 21
Collaborative Practices56 - 17

About the Survey

The 5Essentials School Reports for the State of Illinois are derived from 20 years of research on improving schools. The raw data for these reports are based on a comprehensive core of more than 80 student and 150 teacher questions compiled into 22 measures of school climate and practice and formed into five essentials. As measured by the Illinois 5Essentials Survey, those five essentials are leading indicators of school improvement. The power of 5Essentials comes from their prediction of school success, the intuitiveness of the overall framework components (Instruction, Environment, Leaders, Teachers, and Families), and the reliability of the survey measures.

As detailed in the seminal book, Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago, UEI researchers determined that there are five essential supports for school success. These “5Essentials” detail the perspectives and processes central to the delivery and support of student learning.

The 5Essentials framework as measured by our survey instruments is a leading indicator of school performance now and predictive of the future. Data from over 650 schools (elementary and high schools) have found our survey measures to predict many aspects of student and school success, before and after controlling for school type, demographic composition, test scores, and socio-economic status. Our principal indication of the power of the 5Essentials is that University of Chicago analysis of two natural experiments spanning a total of 15 years each found that they mattered considerably: Schools strong in 3-5 Essentials were 10 times more likely to improve student learning substantially compared to schools weak in 3-5 Essentials. This evidence came from over 400 elementary schools representing the best and worst in Illinois. Following those natural experiments, we have found our survey measures reliably predict school success on a variety of outcomes for both high school and elementary schools, including:

  • ITBS improvement
  • ISAT value-add
  • EXPLORE to ACT gains
  • EXPLORE to PLAN gains
  • PLAN to ACT gains
  • Attendance rates
  • College enrollment
  • High school graduation
  • Freshman grades
  • Teacher mobility
  • Grades in college-preparatory classes

(Bryk, et al. 2010)(Selected by Education Next as one of the best education books of the decade:
(Bryk, et al. 2010); (Easton, Ponisciak and Luppescu 2008); (Easton, Ponisciak and Luppescu 2008); (Allensworth, Correa and Ponisciak 2008); (Bryk, et al. 2010); (Roderick, Nagaoka, et al. 2008); (Allensworth and Easton 2007); (Allensworth and Easton 2007); (Allensworth, Ponisciak and Mazzeo 2009); (Allensworth, Nomi, et al. 2009); (Montgomery, Allensworth and Correa 2010)

Ambitious Instruction

In schools with strong Ambitious Instruction, classes are challenging and engaging. The instruction is clear, well-structured, and encourages students to build and apply knowledge. When combined with a supportive environment, Ambitious Instruction has the most direct effect on student learning. It is:

  • well-defined with clear expectations for student success,
  • interactive and encourages students to build and apply knowledge,
  • well-paced (not measured), and
  • aligned across grades (not measured).

Effective Leaders

In schools with Effective Leaders, principals and teachers work together to implement a shared vision. In such schools, people, programs, and resources are focused on a vision for sustained improvement. Leaders:

  • practice shared leadership,
  • set high goals for quality instruction,
  • maintain mutually trusting and respectful relationships,
  • support professional advancement for faculty and staff, and
  • manage resources for sustained program improvement (not measured).

Collaborative Teachers

In schools with strong Collaborative Teachers, all teachers collaborate to promote professional growth. In such schools, teachers are:

  • active partners in school improvement,
  • committed to the school, and
  • focused on professional development.

Involved Families

In schools with Involved Families, the entire staff builds strong external relationships. Such schools:

  • see parents as partners in helping students learn,
  • value parents' input and participation in advancing the school's mission, and
  • support efforts to strengthen its students' community resources.

Supportive Environment

In schools with a Supportive Environment, the school is safe, demanding, and supportive. In such schools:

  • students feel safe in and around the school,
  • they find teachers trust-worthy and responsive to their academic needs,
  • all students value hard work, and
  • teachers push all students toward high academic performance.
  • Essentials Overall
  • Performance Detail
2019Very WeakWeakNeutralStrongVery Strong202020212022020406080100
  • Involved Families53 - 12
  • Effective Leaders50 - 11
  • Collaborative Teachers45 - 17
  • Ambitious InstructionN/A N/A
  • Supportive EnvironmentN/A N/A